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Covid-19 Safety Updates


To help prevent the transmission of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19, we adhere to standardized infection control measures, such as performing hand hygiene, providing tissues and no-touch receptacles to throw away used tissues, leaving doorways open and offering facemasks to all patients.


We follow routine cleaning and disinfection strategies, using cleaners and water to pre-clean surfaces prior to applying an EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant, as well as appropriate sterilization of all tools and equipment. We also use new facemasks and gloves for each patient per guidelines set by the FDA and CDC.


While our office already adheres to these standard precautions, there are several common sense recommendations we are implementing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


To our valued patients: Your safety is our highest priority. We are taking precautions and have established the following in-office protocols to provide the safest and most effective care for our patients.


  • All staff and patients are always required to wear masks.


  • We maintain social distancing and are only allowing 1-2 patients in the office at a time. We kindly ask to leave your family members, children, spouses at home during your dental appointment.


  • Options to bypass the waiting room for appointments are available and offered to all patients. Simply call from your vehicle and ask if we are ready for you.


  • Equipment and exam rooms are cleaned between every patient, as it always has, with medically recommended cleaners/disinfectants.


  • High-traffic, public areas are cleaned multiple times a day. Pens and front desk counter tops are wiped down after every single patient.


  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available for all patients.


  • Every staff member and patient will have his/her temperature taken before we accept them through the office threshold.


If you have an appointment scheduled within the next few weeks, please contact our office if you experience any of the following:


  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Body ache

  • Nausea / Diarrhea

  • Travel within the past 14 days to affected geographical regions


We will discuss your health status, the dental treatment you require, and whether or not visiting our office will be safe for you, our other patients, and our staff.


When you visit our office, we ask that you arrive on time for your appointment, rather than too early. This will minimize the amount of time you spend in our waiting room or reception area. If you have respiratory symptoms, we will ask that you wear a facemask.




  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Do not use your hands.

  • Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Calling in advance will allow your healthcare provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility.

  • Contact our office immediately if you develop any symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID up to 2 weeks after your appointment


If you would like more information about our office’s dedication to your health and safety, please give us a call. For more information about what you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please visit the World Health Organization website.


Thank you for partnering with us to protect our patients and our staff.





  • When will you be open for non-urgent visits? We have resumed normal business hours on August 1st 2021. Over the last month and a half we’ve had to cancel and re-schedule many appointments, we are rescheduling many appointments and thank you for your patience.

  • Why did I receive new patient paperwork again? We are sending COVID-19 screening questions prior to every appointment. We may also ask each patient to update their health history forms.

  • Do I have to wear a mask at my appointment? Yes, masks must always be worn by all persons for the entire visit. We will have you remove your mask for your procedure only. The CDC also recommends people over age 2 wear cloth face masks when outside their homes; we understand this may be difficult for younger children and will consider that when you visit us.

  • Can I wait in my car for the appointment to start? Yes, you can text us when you arrive, we will limit the number of people in our reception area.

  • Will both parents/guardians be allowed to the appointment? We ask that only one parent, guardian or caregiver join the patient at their appointment. Please call our office to make special arrangements if needed.

  • What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19 a few days after my appointment? Because the incubation period can be a few days, it’s important you call our office to let us know.

  • Does your practice have the necessary protective wear to start seeing patients? Yes, to ensure the safety of our team and patients we are strictly following state and federal guidelines about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements and would not see patients unless we have the proper equipment.




Message to patients – face covering requirements for fully vaccinated patients



We understand you may have questions regarding face covering requirements in our dental office with the recent changes to California’s mask mandate. We greatly respect everyone’s opinion and convictions regarding such a sensitive and controversial subject; however, we ask that all patients and visitors continue to wear face coverings and practice social distancing during their appointment, except when seated in the patient chair during treatment.

We have adopted our policies to comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance for fully vaccinated individuals. The guidance states that face coverings and social distancing are still required for all individuals in health care settings, including dental offices, regardless of their vaccination status.


At South Corona Dentistry, we believe in putting the health and safety of our dental team and patients first and have always adopted the most cautious approach regarding government and health officials’ recommendations in response to the pandemic.


We thank you all for your understanding and patience as we work diligently to protect the health and safety of our patients and dental team during these challenging times.


If you have any questions or concerns about our dental office’s face covering policy, please contact our office at 951 737 5540 .

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